Royal Crown (Wild Leek Press, 2014) is a heroic crown of sonnets about being true to oneself. Candace Butler brings a memorable voice to contemporary Appalachian literature.
Her poems are as mysterious and imagistic as the forested environment they are written from, as in “I want a heartbeat like the thunderous hooves of horses.” These poems are playful, courageous, strong, and full of life with an ancient use of language flayed by a rich sense of rebellion.
Currently Out of Print.
A Note on the Cover

The detailed vector illustration created by the author is inspired by this coronation-type of crown (drawing influence from the crowns of UK, Denmark, and Serbia), displayed in thin lines to mimic hand-drawn or engraved prints. A literal nod to the heroic “crown” of sonnets that is this collection, the crown hovers over the Blue Ridge Mountains (Photo Credit: Freda Butler), the region in southwest Virginia in which the work is set.